Swastik Symbol: Meaning, Significance And Process Of Making

Update: 93 days ago | Published : 2024-07-09
Update: 93 days agoPublished: 2024-07-09

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Do you know about an auspicious symbol of prosperity, purity, and well-being? Well, that's a Swastik. The Swastik symbol holds profound religious and cultural significance in different societies worldwide. 

Have you ever wondered why a Swastik is said to be the symbol of the sun? It is because seeing a Swastik from any angle appears to be precisely the same, and it never loses its form as it is a symbol of Infinity as well.

This religious symbol is also considered to be Lord Vishnu's 108th symbol. It symbolises the ability to never change and continuous progress. 

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Swastik Symbol

How To Make Swastik Symbol?

Below, I will explain the detailed procedure for making a Swastika. Dive deep into this article to know more. 

  • Since Kumkum paste is used to create the Swissika sign, the first step is to mark the desired drawing surface with 3x3 dots.

  • To begin, draw a link between the middle dot in the same row and the right-corner dot in the top row.

  • To join with the centre dot, move that line downward. Draw a horizontal line joining the right dot and the middle dot of the second row.

  • Drag it down farther and move it to the appropriate location in the bottom row.

  • Then, join the left side of the vertical line's top row with the middle row's left side.

  • To align to the leftmost point in the same row, draw a horizontal line from the left to the centre line on the centre line and down to the centre point on the bottom line, and you have finished.

Note: While creating a swastika is simple, it is important to respect and understand its cultural significance. The swastika should never be offensive or disrespectful as it is a symbol of peace and happiness for many.

Know About The Swastik Symbol

Here are some things you should know about Swastika before drawing it. 

1. Historical Significance

Existing before written history, the Swastik is an ancient symbol. The Indus Valley Civilization, which is among the oldest urban civilisations globally, is where it all began. "Svastika" is the Sanskrit word for "well-being" or "auspicious," and it is the root of the English word "Swastik." This symbol has represented a variety of aspects of well-being and life in a variety of cultures, including Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism, and aboriginal belief systems.

2. Different Forms Of Swastik

The Swastik comes in various forms, each with its special meaning. The most typical variations consist of:

  • Right-Facing Swastik: In Hinduism, a right-facing Swastik represents the sun, wealth, and good fortune.

  • Left-facing Swastik: It symbolises the Buddha's heart and is connected to Buddhism.

  • Clockwise Swastik: It is frequently associated with advancement and the sun's motion.

  • Counterclockwise Swastik: The counterclockwise Swastik is regarded as a more reflective symbol and is frequently associated with the moon or night.

3. Global Usage Of Swastik Symbol

Although the swastika is often associated with South Asia, it has been widely used around the world. It was used as a decorative item in some Western cultures before its association with Nazi Germany ruined its reputation. However, it is important to remember that the meaning of the swastika can vary depending on the situation. For most people, it represents hope and prosperity.

Cultural Etiquette to Follow While Making Swastik

It's crucial to consider cultural sensitivity and etiquette when using or drawing with the Swastik. Here are some rules to follow:

  • Honor its Origin: Recognize the Swastik's long history in South Asian cultures and extensive application in Jainism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and other religions.

  • Suitable Direction: Observe the orientation carefully. The most popular Swastik, which has positive connotations, is facing right. It is not to be confused with the 45-degree-rotated Nazi version.

  • Utilising Mindfully: Use caution when deciding where and how to use the Swastik. It should not be used with disrespectful or offensive intent but in situations that respect its positive meanings.

  • Educate Others: If you intend to use or display the Swastik in a cultural or educational setting, spend some time educating those who might not be familiar with it about its significance and meaning.

What Does A Swastik Represents? 

The four branches of the Swastika are thought to symbolise the four pillars of divinity, which are as follows:

  • The four-faced Lord Brahma is believed to be dispersing sacred knowledge in all four directions.

  • The Samaveda, Yajurveda, Atharvaveda, and Rigveda are the four Vedas.

  • The four Purusharthas, or purposes of life, are Moksh, Kama, Arth, and Dharma.

  • Brahmacharya, Grihastha, Vanaprastha, and Sannyasa are the four phases of life.

  • The Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudra are the four Varnas.

  • The Swastika's four arms represent the four cardinal directions: East, West, North, and South. Its central point is said to symbolise Lord Vishnu's navel, from which Lord Brahma came.

Symbolism and Cultural Significance

  • Hinduism: The Swastik represents the sun, wealth, and good fortune in Hinduism. It is frequently used as a symbol of good fortune and in religious rituals.

  • Buddhism: The swastika is associated with the Buddha's heart and the dharma wheel, signifying enlightenment and spiritual advancement.

  • Jainism: The Swastik symbolises the four states of existence and the fourfold path of spiritual advancement for Jains.

  • Indigenous Cultures: The Swastika is associated with many different indigenous cultures. It represents harmony, equilibrium, and the natural order of things. These people treasure it to represent their close ties to the natural world, cultural practices, and the complex web of life. Their devotion to maintaining the delicate balance between humanity and nature is highlighted by their unwavering reverence for the Swastika, which contrasts sharply with its prejudice in other contexts. This is what makes them unique.

  • Use in Meditation and Spirituality: The Swastika is a special symbol for directing positive energy and inner harmony when employed in meditation and spirituality. The hub in the middle stands for unity with the cosmos, while its four arms represent the elements. This symbol leads us on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment by teaching us about life's cycles, resilience, and balance.

  • Worldwide Variations: The Swastik has been incorporated into several cultures and belief systems, each with its interpretation and application. In ancient Greece, a comparable symbol, the Gammadion, a square cross with arms arranged at right angles, was utilised. Some Native American tribes represented the cyclical nature of life with a symbol resembling the Swastik. A variant of the Swastik known as the "kolovrat" is used to symbolise the sun in the cultures of Finland and the Baltics. The Swastik, also known as the "Wan," symbolises 10,000 years of happiness in Chinese culture.

  • Nazi Misappropriation: It is important to mention the misuse of the swastika in Germany during the Nazi era. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party adopted the modified swastika as their symbol, completely discrediting the swastika in many parts of the world. On the other hand, the Nazi swastika is often depicted with the hand pointing clockwise about 45 degrees. Differentiate between the two symbols, and remember that the traditional swastika represents positivity and prosperity. At the same time, the definition of Nazism represents oppression, hatred and genocide.

Final Words

The Swastik symbol carries a rich legacy of positivity, well-being, and spiritual significance that cuts across time, culture, and geography. Despite historical misappropriation, it continues to be a potent symbol of prosperity and peace for many people worldwide. Respect and cultural sensitivity should be shown when drawing and comprehending the Swastik. Further, if you learn about the traditional significance of Swastika and how to make it after reading this article, make sure to share it with your loved ones as well. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What does the Swastik symbol represent?

A. The Swastika is a widely recognised symbol of luck and prosperity in ancient and modern worlds. 

Q. What is the power of Swastik?

A. The Swastika is highly respected for its ability to bring power (Shakti) into the home, represent life on earth, and capture the spirit of Indian culture and civilisation.

Q. Can we keep Swastik at home?

A. Swastik is believed to be auspicious and to bring luck and prosperity to the home. Additionally, the Swastik lowers illness and sadness while raising prosperity and happiness.

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