Get Free Full Body Health Checkups And Consultation Package @ Top Hospitals

You have to agree with me that hectic schedule is affecting our health badly. We all have small problems related to our health problems but we avoid them like it's not an issue. But We should take these issues seriously and should consult with the doctor regarding the same.Now, what if I say that you may get the free consultation of your health problems? Yes, you can get that.

Under a program of Indian health organization, you can get 10 Free Health Consultation From doctors and 2 Master health checkups at top Hospitals Of  India. So what are you waiting for? Grab it and avail the offer fast.



How to Get Free Complete Annual Health Check-Ups 


So, This is the process through which you can avail the free consultation. Now, let me give you the full detail about IHO (Indian Health Organisation). Basically, this health organization provides packages for medical checkup and consultation. These packages are of reasonable price and once you take this membership/package you can directly consult to the doctor in top hospitals of India without any further charges.


Advantages Of IHO Membership

  • Get Free health checkups from doctors.
  • No extra consultation charges.
  • Get the consultation and medical checkups in Top hospitals like Apollo, Medanta etc.
  • Get 2 major health checkups in a year @FREE.


Currently, IHO is offering three types of memberships and you can save up to Rs. 10,000 If you take these memberships.If you have any health issue and you need doctor's consultation on daily basis then you must go for one of these memberships, so that you can save your money.

Annual Complete Body checkup Package Offers:-

1.VHealth Annual Package-Save Up To Rs. 6000

This is the first and the basic membership offered by IHO. This is a one-year membership under which you will get the free consultation in different health care centers.Benefits from this membership are written below:-

  • Unlimited teleconsultation.
  • Experienced and telemedicine trained doctors.
  • Ability to reduce the physical consults by 47%.
  • Save up to Rs.6000  through discount across IHO networks.
2.Classic Family Consultation Annual Package- Save Up To Rs. 10,000

Under this membership, your family can take advantage of free consultation from doctors. This membership also has free medical checkups on its list that too twice in a year.So let's take a look at what this membership has for us.

  • Free consultation in hospitals.
  • Two major health check-ups.
  • Unlimited teleconsultation.
  • Save up to Rs. 10,000 Through discount and free services provided IHO.
3.Freedom Preventive Health Annual Package- Free Dental and Scaling package

This membership also includes the dental checkups and you can save up to Rs. 6000 from this membership as well just like VHealth Membership. You will get discount on dental problems for one year with unlimited teleconsultation.Advantages of this membership are written below.

  • Complete diet management for three months.
  • Free dental and scaling package for two members.
  • Includes 61 vital tests for complete health assessment.


Master Health Checkup From Doctors

Through IHO, you can get free master health checkups twice in a year in one of the best hospitals in India for example Apollo, Fortis, Max healthcare, Portia Etc. After every master health check up you will get the free consultation from doctors.This master check-up will include 61 tests for complete body check-ups like liver profile, Lipid profile, Iron deficiency etc.



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