15+ Types Of Coffee Beverages in 2024

Update: 260 days ago | Published : 2024-01-20
Update: 260 days agoPublished: 2024-01-20

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“Life is too short for a bad coffee.” – Gord Downie

Coffee is not just a beverage to drink but a whole personality. Right, my coffee lovers? I feel you and that’s why I have come up with this article to tell you about more than 15 types of coffee beverages that you can enjoy in 2024. 

Espresso, Cappuccino, and Latte are just a glimpse of the whole coffee world which is going to unfold in front of you today. Don’t miss out on the Amazing Facts about Coffee that will surely make you go crazy. 

Disclaimer: "Today’s good mood is sponsored by coffee."

You may also have a look at the best coffee powder in India for an instant cup of coffee anytime you want. 

types of coffee beverages

Overview of Types Of Coffee Beverages in 2024

There are so many types of coffee to drink, and I’m sure every coffee lover wants to try all of them. Here are some of the most popular types of coffee beverages available out there waiting for you to try. 

1. Espresso


“More Espresso, less depresso”...This is how I start my day, and it works so damn well! Espresso is made from the darkest of beans. They are put in a pressurised machine and run through hot water to produce a super-strong cup of coffee, which helps kick-start the day. Espresso also makes a good base for other coffee drinks like mocha and cappuccino. It gives a bold taste with a rich aroma. 

2. Americano


Okay, you want something with the flavour of Espresso but not too strong! Then have a cup of Americano. It is made by running hot water over fine and dark coffee beans. This retains the original flavour of coffee and doesn’t come out as strong, either. You can then add milk, syrup shots or other flavourings as per your taste. Basically, Americano is Espresso with added hot water, lol

“Just brewed happiness in a cup!”

3. Cappuccino


It’s tough to find balance in the life. Thank God it’s not the same with coffee! A cappuccino is a perfectly balanced cup of coffee with Espresso at the bottom, steamed milk in the middle and a layer of foam on the top. All the layers are equal in proportion. Cappuccino has a rich, creamy texture with a robust flavour. It works like magic on stressful days. 

4. Latte


“Never too late for a Latte”, which is basically Espresso loaded in a big, long cup, then added steamed milk and finally served with a layer of foam on top. Latte coffee has a mild flavour and a rich, velvety texture. Therefore, it is among the types of coffee beverages that can be drunk even late in the night without worrying about the sleep schedule. 

“You can't spell ‘coffee’ without ‘me’, so let's get some!”

5. Black coffee (Cafe noir)

Black coffee

“The difference between this coffee and your opinion…is that I asked for the coffee.” Yeah! Black coffee is as bold as this statement. There are many ways to prepare a soul-satisfying cup of Black coffee. However, the most popular one is using a drip coffee maker at home. Just add coffee grounds and water to your coffee maker and turn it on. Drip by drip, happiness will fall into your cup.  

6. Double espresso (doppio)

Double espresso

Try this at your own risk! Let me see if you can handle double the intensity of Espresso in just one cup. It is easier to make double Espresso in a given time, and that’s a big reason why many Baristas offer Double Espresso instead of simple Espresso. These are the types of coffee beverages with strong flavour and rich aroma which are pure heaven for coffee lovers.  

7. Mocha


What happens when the two best ingredients in the world, coffee and chocolate, are mixed in a single cup? Mocha comes out! A Mocha cup has a latte base with chocolate added to it in the steamed milk. This makes it a perfect sweet drink with the flavour of caffeine. So next time you want to enjoy a hot beverage with a rich, creamy texture and a delicious chocolaty taste, get yourself a Mocha. 

“Coffee and chocolate make it all better.”

8. Macchiato


Macchiato means "marked" or "stained" in Italian. A cup of Macchiato is prepared with a shot of espresso topped with a small amount of steamed milk and a dollop of foam. It is similar to Cappuccino but contains less milk and more foam, giving it a richer flavour. Caramel Macchiato is one of the most popular types of coffee beverages to drink. 

9. Flat white

Flat white

Flat white coffee is made from double shots of Espresso and steamed milk. Then, the milk foam is added on top in a circular way, creating a flat surface. However, don’t get misled by the name. Flat white coffee actually contains more espresso than milk, which makes it a perfect drink for strong coffee lovers. The credit for this coffee beverage goes to Australia, which is now popular worldwide. 

10. Breve


Do you know what half-and-half is? Let me enhance your coffee vocabulary. Half and half mean milk and cream in equal proportions. Breve coffee contains a latte base topped with half-and-half and a thin layer of milk foam. These types of coffee beverages are rich in taste and creamier in texture. Add your favourite syrup on top for a perfect cosy drink. 

11. Vienna


Originating in the capital of Austria, this coffee beverage is loved worldwide. Vienna coffee is similar to a latte, but whipped cream is used instead of milk foam. It is made with a rich espresso base topped with whipped cream. This coffee has a lighter, fluffier texture than a latte. It is among the most popular types of coffee beverages in the world. 

“Coffee is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”

12. Gingerbread Latte

Gingerbread Latte

Holidays call for Gingerbread Latte! This cosy, warm drink has a spicy flavour with a smooth, creamy texture. It is prepared with a latte base and gingerbread-flavoured syrup. The milk foam on top is sprinkled with ground ginger and cinnamon for extra flavour. Grab a big mug of Gingerbread latte while preparing the gingerbread house.  

13. Peppermint Mocha

Peppermint Mocha

Who doesn’t like peppermint? This tasty coffee beverage is prepared with a Mocha base and peppermint-flavoured syrup. Peppermint Mocha is a perfect holiday drink, having a rich, chocolaty taste with a thick, creamy texture. Serve on top with crushed peppermint candy or grated chocolate for pure delight. These are the types of coffee beverages that every coffee lover enjoys during the holiday season. 

14. Affogato


What if you pour a cup of coffee over your ice cream? It sounds delicious to me! The word “Affogato” means “drowned” in Italian. Affogato is basically a dessert which is prepared with vanilla gelato (ice cream) and Espresso. The coffee is poured on top of the ice cream, making it look like the ice cream is drowning in the coffee. 

15. Irish


Hot coffee, when poured into a big glass and added with Irish whisky, sugar, and whipped cream, turns into a big delight. The Irish coffee is as fine as Irish men, trust me, ladies! It is one of the traditional types of coffee beverages garnished with pinch of cinnamon or a twist of orange peel to add more flavour. By the way, do you know which are the top alcohol brands in India

“I run on coffee and dreams.”

16. Ristretto


A Ristretto is basically your Espresso but with less hot water. You can enjoy a cup of Ristretto if you like the bold taste of Espresso, just a little sweeter. But beware, a single shot of Ristretto is more concentrated, strong and rich in aroma than a regular Espresso shot. It is among the most popular types of coffee beverages around the world. 

17. Galao


Okay, so you want to drink coffee but not too much coffee. First of all, let me tell you there is no such thing as too much coffee. But if you still want “less coffee”, try this Portugal drink. It is like a regular latte or cappuccino but with more milk. This makes it a lighter alternative to the normal coffee drinks.  

“Coffee is my love language.”

Amazing Facts about Coffee I bet You Didn't Know!

There are so many types of coffee beverages out there waiting for you to try. The same is true for the many coffee facts that are waiting for you to get undiscovered by you. 

  • Finland tops the list of countries consuming the most coffee. On average, Finns drink 4-5 cups of coffee per day. 

  • A legend says that a goat herder discovered coffee in Egypt in 800 AD when he found his goats dancing (probably high on caffeine) after eating a coffee plant’s fruit. 

  • About one-third of the world’s coffee is produced in Brazil. So next time you want coffee all around you, book your flight to Brazil. 

  • Well, Harvard researchers have shown that drinking moderate amounts of coffee in a day increases the lifespan. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and Parkinson's disease. 

  • Coffee beans are actually seeds! Yes, you heard it right. Coffee beans are seeds of the fruit ‘Coffee Cherry”. 

  • East African tribes used to grind the coffee cherries and mix them with animal fat to make a tasty meal. 

  • Decaf doesn’t mean caffeine-free. It means that the caffeine content is less than 0.3%. 

  • The first instant coffee was produced by the ‘Nescafe brand’ in 1929. 

Check out this web story: Energizing alternatives to coffee for a productive day. 

My All Time Favourites!

  • Americano 

So one day, I went to this amazing coffee shop which looked really aesthetically beautiful. When the waiter came for the order, I asked about her recommendation, and she said, “You seem like an iced Americano to me”. And then she brought me an iced Americano with vanilla syrup added to it. FYI, it gave me the joy I never knew I needed. By the way, I also think she was right. Maybe I am an Americano… 

  • Peppermint Mocha

Whenever the winter season approaches, my taste buds crave a creamy, chocolaty cup of coffee with a flavour of peppermint in each sip. I love decorating it with sprinkles of peppermint and cocoa powder on top. Enjoying this delightful cup of warm coffee while watching Harry Potter is my perfect plan for a cosy winter night. 

  • Espresso 

This bold, dark and rich coffee is my favourite also like the rest of the coffee lovers. No matter how hard the day is going, a cup of Espresso just turns my mood up. You know what they say? “Be strong as your Espresso.”...Now whenever I drink an Espresso, I automatically feel strong and bold and ready to rule the world. 

Hot Coffee or Cold Coffee? 

Do you also feel confused about whether to go for a warm cup of coffee or order something cold to give you a cosy feeling? A cup of hot coffee contains more antioxidants, although the same amount of caffeine as its cold counterpart. However, there isn’t much research to back this up. 

So my suggestion would be to listen to your heart and just go for the one you feel like having on that day and in that moment. There are many types of coffee to drink that you can drink in any season. Truth be told, whenever I’m in a good mood, I like having a warm cup of coffee, especially if it's winter. And when I feel like unleashing my inner beast, then a big glass of iced coffee is what I need, no matter the weather. After all, “life is a cup of coffee…It’s all about how you make it”.  

Summing Up 

I don’t know what your problem is, but I do know that the answer is hidden among the 15 plus types of coffee beverages I told you about. Maybe it’s Mocha, Americano, Irish or…Why don’t you try it out for yourself and then tell me later in the comments which one worked for you? And don’t forget to share this article with all the coffee drinkers you know. Let them also discover this whole dreamy coffee world that has been hidden from them for a long. 


Q. What are the 5 coffee names?

Ans. Espresso, Latte, Cappuccino, Americano and Black coffee are the most popular coffee names among coffee lovers. 

Q. What is the most popular coffee beverage?

Ans. Around 30% of coffee drinkers enjoy Espresso as their favourite, making it the most popular coffee beverage. 

Q. Which coffee type is best?

Ans. Well, it completely depends on the drinkers what taste they enjoy the most. However, Cappuccino, Mocha, Americano and Espresso are enjoyed a lot by the coffee lovers. 

Q. What are the basic coffee drinks?

Ans. Cappuccino, Latte, Mocha and Espresso are the most basic coffee drinks that you will easily find in any coffee shop or cafe. 

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Coffee lover and a little writer, who believes in unicorns.

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