10 Best Fast Food for Healthy Weight Loss

When we think about weight loss and dieting, what are the first things that come to mind? One of the obvious answers is we need to quit fast food including pizza, candy and ice cream. This means if you want to shed those pesky pounds, then you’ve got to stay disciplined with junk food or fast food items. Wrong! Although, if fast food consumed in moderation than it will never affect your health. In fact, there are some fast food items available at marketplace or food franchises which can assist in shedding those bulges around your waistline, thighs and other body parts. So, move to a diet that can satiate your cravings and provides nutrients too. On the other hand, food online offers will make your meals more pocket-friendly.

Here is a list of healthy fast food items will alleviate your hunger pangs without increasing the body fat.

1. Iced or Hot Tea at Starbucks

Whether you pick black, green, or one of the unsweetened seasonal flavors, these are calorie-free and super hydrating as well. Even, the green tea will definitely make a difference for your weight loss routine by consuming fewer calories throughout the day. Above on that, it boosts up your metabolism which is helpful in burning calories that you eat. The benefit of green tea or black tea is not only limited to weight loss, but they also keep blood sugar level and blood pressure in check. So, next time when you head into Starbucks or any other cafe, go fearlessly for iced or hot tea.

2. Dark Chocolates

If you are trying hard to lose weight, then no doubt you have to stay away from chocolate. Well, it’s high time to break that taboo. Dark chocolate is effective in controlling appetite, reducing cravings, stabilizing blood sugar which results in weight loss. It also tends to improve your mood, curbing your desire to consume more comfort foods. Thus, dark chocolates are the sweetest way of losing weight as it has an impressive impact on how the body synthesize fatty acids. And, also reduces the digestion and absorption of fats and carbohydrates. In result, the person eating chocolate experiences a feeling of satiety.

3. Oven Baked Chips

Potato chips can be a delicious yet crunchy snack, but they are high in fat and sodium. But if you choose to eat oven baked chips instead of oil fried, then they’re healthier. Because baked potato chips are a lower-fat alternative. You have a lot of options to choose like sweet potato, kale, or any other vegetable. Even, now snacks brand like Lays, Uncle chips also offers oven-baked chips. Choose those chips and shed more than two pounds this year and wear all your favorite dresses with utmost confidence.

4. Kentucky Grilled Chicken Thigh at KFC

Well, you have also some healthy options at your favorite food chain restaurant KFC. When it comes to KFC, chicken legs are the only thing that pops into our heads. So, if you’re a non-vegetarian and going on a healthy weight loss plan than an option for the grilled menu instead of the heavier, deep-fried options will keep your calorie count in check and energy level at the peak throughout the day. Indulge in Kentucky Grilled chicken thigh and you can also accompany the dish with house side salad as well. This healthy snack will keep your stomach happy without adding some extra flab in your arms and thighs.

5. Peanut Butter

Most people are aware that peanut butter is an excellent source of protein but many of you know that peanut butter is very helpful in weight loss. It has been concluded with the scientific searches, that peanut butter not only helps you shed your kilos but also keep it off for over the long term. Peanut butter is tastier and satisfying than conventional butter which is rich in carbs and low in the diet. So, if you’re on a healthy diet, then swap your butter with peanut butter as it will reduce the intake of calories and curbs the appetite as well.

6. Sweet Corn

Sweetcorn is most of the ladies favorite as it is a blend of many flavors including sour, salty, sweety. But if you’re a health conscious or a weight loss diet then you won’t need to compromise over your favorite food. As, sweetcorn actually fairly low in calories and full of protein and fiber, which will keep you full for long by curbing your appetite. Sweet corn with lime juice, little freshly chopped chili and a good pinch of salt is just healthy and tasty.

7. Salads Available at Subway

Now talk about some, the food options which you can opt when you’re out or on a trip. Subway is the most renowned food franchise which you can find anywhere and the salads at Subway are definitely the healthiest options on the menu. From a bunch of spinach, lettuce, unlimited veggies, to your choice of meat, you can have it all. Even, you can ask them to make your own set of salad. Moreover, you will have the options like aloo patty, chatpata chana patty, chicken ham, corn & peas and more. The salads will not only calm your appetite but also aids in weight loss.

8. Mcdonald's Veggie Wraps

How many times you have skipped your favorite Mcdonald’s meal because you’re following weight loss diet? Now, you won’t need to be because Mcdonald’s veggie wraps are among the healthiest options. Besides this, Mcdonalds has recently introduced its revamped healthier menu with low carb McAloo Tikki and fat-free soft serve ice cream. This means you can binge upon your favorite items without worrying about calories intake. So, why don’t you take a trip to this food station and gulp on the healthy meal? McDonalds discount coupons will also make your meal budget-friendly.

9. Yogurt with Raspberry

Are you overweight? Do you carry yourself with a load of pot bell? Gone are those days when the perfect body shape can only be achieved by a gym goer only. Well, all you need to do is to slightest change your food choices. Go for the best and healthiest food combos that will make you look slimmer in just a few days. Dip raspberries in yogurt, I must say this is the healthiest and fat-free food combination that will help you in burning the extra carb. The daily intake of this food combo will make you look slimmer only in few days.

10. Puffed Rice Bhel with Lots of Veggies

Puffed rice bhel with lots of veggies including tomato, chili, coriander, onion makes a good choice if you’re on a weight loss. This nutty tasting, low-calorie cereal is the healthiest evening snack and will also keep full for too long. Puffed rice bhel is the yummiest Indian snack that is low on calorie and will never add bulges on your body. So, next time don’t compromise on your taste and enjoy a plate full of bhel with lots of veggies and flavors.

Won’t you get happy after knowing about these 10 fast food items that will contribute to your weight loss journey? I think by reading this article you must get a wide smile that you don’t need to avoid your trip to either Mcdonalds nor Starbucks. Now, you don’t have to avoid your hunger pangs to get that perfect body shape when you have healthier and tastier options to munch on.


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