Most Iconic Game Of Thrones Quotes

Game of Thrones is a show which captured the hearts and minds of the viewers when broadcasted. With memorable characters and their inspiring journey, the show taught us a lot about power, love, family, betrayal, inner strength and so much more. 

There are a number of quotes from this show which became iconic to this day. Despite its unpopular ending, the show is still a favourite of many. 

Let’s explore the 10 most iconic Game of Thrones quotes which will give you a new perspective of life. 

Most Iconic Game Of Thrones Quotes

10 Most Iconic Game Of Thrones Quotes

1. When you play the Game of Thrones, you win, or you die. There is no middle ground.

most iconic Game of Thrones quotes

This iconic quote by Cersei Lannister is the essence of the Game of Thrones web series. It shows how the fight for power and the throne demands bloodshed, pain, grief, sacrifice and hard choices. There is no middle ground for compromise and keeping balance. Either you win or lose. And we clearly saw in the series that the loser has to die. Be it Ned Stark, Stannis Baratheon or Cersei herself. 

2. I'm not going to stop the wheel. I'm going to break the wheel.

most iconic Game of Thrones quotes

This is one of the most inspiring Game Of Thrones quotes. Daenerys has been the iconic character from the very start, especially after her win over Westeros. She always had a strong head personality and believed in changing the whole system instead of maintaining the status quo. She believed that the wrong must be undone then and there only instead of taking it slow. After all, the Targareyon blood runs in her veins. 

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3. Chaos is not a pit. Chaos is a ladder.

most iconic Game of Thrones quotes

Baelish, popularly known as “Little Finger”, is a selfish yet inspirational character in the Game of Thrones web series. He caused so much destruction, like sowing the seeds for Lannister-Stark animosity, a rebellion during the time of Robert Baratheon and much more. After all, “Chaos is a ladder” was his motto in life. The devious and cunning man used all the fights and chaos in his favour until he couldn’t. This quote is true for life as well. Every chaotic situation becomes worse and then leads to new beginnings. 

4. Power resides where men believe it resides. 

most iconic Game of Thrones quotes

Varys was the only character in the series who understood the true nature of the game of power. He told Tyrion that power is a shadow on the wall, and even a small man can cast a big shadow. Varys was behind many important events of the Westeros, including some manipulative and dark events of the past. He understood that power was everchanging in Westeros, no matter the dynasties, loyalties, or divine rights.  

5. A man needs books like a sword needs a whetstone. 

most iconic Game of Thrones quotes

Tyrion’s father used to say that some battles are won with swords and spears, others with quills and ravens. He was the only Lannister who understood the true meaning behind his father’s line. In the game of life also, intelligence plays a supreme role in getting us to the places or positions that we want. Brann was a brilliant example of how the possession of knowledge can even beat the power of a sword.

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6. Not today. 

most iconic Game of Thrones quotes

This was the answer to the question, “What do we say to the God of Death?”. Arya Stark was the most inspirational fighter of GOT who just kept going step after step in her journey. Even after separating from her family for a long time, she overcame every hurdle by herself so that one day, she could take vengeance against everyone who tormented her family.

7. The lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.

most iconic Game of Thrones quotes

The Stark family was the best example of ride or die for each other. After all, this is what family is for. This great piece of advice was given by Sansa Stark which is completely true in life. One needs friends, family or anyone who is always there no matter what. They say to remember one’s loyalties when the pack howls for help.

8. Fire cannot kill a dragon.

most iconic Game of Thrones quotes

This is one of the most inspiring Game Of Thrones quotes given by Daenerys Targaryen. It perfectly portrays the stronger version of us after going through internal struggles. When we accept the most vulnerable parts of ourselves with an open heart, then those parts can never cause harm to us. 

9. Fear cuts deeper than swords.

most iconic Game of Thrones quotes

Here is another inspirational advice in the list of Game Of Thrones quotes. It is from my favourite GOT character, Arya Stark. The sword only cuts you on the body, but fear cuts you in your heart and mind. The cuts of fear reside inside for a longer time. Even Cersei herself said, “The only way to keep your people loyal is to make certain they fear you more than they do the enemy.”

10. Do you understand? I'm no ordinary woman. My dreams come true.

most iconic Game of Thrones quotes

Daenerys gave us the mantra for life. She told us to believe in ourselves and our dreams. That we should hold onto our dreams because they will come true. We are special beings with superpowers of imagination and faith. No matter what people say about what you can or can not do, no matter how much they question your dreams or mock them, just believe that your dreams are coming true. 

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I hope you like these most iconic Game of Thrones quotes from your favourite characters. GOT has 10 seasons in total, with 8 episodes in each season. This show is immensely loved by the web series lover due to its brilliant storyline, fantastic casting and distinct theme. Go watch this web series now, and come tell us your favourite GOT character. 

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Coffee lover and a little writer, who believes in unicorns.

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