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32.30 %Cashback
Confirmation Days
45-60 days
After purchase tracking, cashback eligibility is validated within confirmation days. Enjoy your cashback upon confirmation!
Tracking Speed
24-48 Hours
Faster purchase tracking means quicker cashback. Watch your account for updates!
Missing Order
Not Accepted
Report missing purchases; we'll credit your cashback correctly. Your satisfaction is our priority!
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32.30 %Cashback
Confirmation Days
45-60 days
After purchase tracking, cashback eligibility is validated within confirmation days. Enjoy your cashback upon confirmation!
Tracking Speed
24-48 Hours
Faster purchase tracking means quicker cashback. Watch your account for updates!
Missing Order
Not Accepted
Report missing purchases; we'll credit your cashback correctly. Your satisfaction is our priority!
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Tracking : Online

Promotional Methods. Unless explicitly authorized in an EIO, Media Partner shall not promote a Creative using the following means:
(a) provision of leads obtained other than through intended consumer (“End User”) action (e.g. through the use of phone books